Sunday, October 24, 2010

Coming and Going

Three months and counting. It just occurred to me that I have truly arrived in India, meeting people, sharing and learning more than what I have prepared for.

I rushed a work the entire week to hit the beach and be with some of the Volunteers in Puri to say goodbye to one fun-loving, mature-thinking Youth for Development volunteer.

Last night, by a beach front restaurant hut, I had the itch to ask her and the others who will be leaving soon upon completing their respective assignments, the most Miss Universe-like question I could think of that I could learn from.

"Now that you are leaving, what are the most valuable lessons of volunteering in India could you share to a newbie like me?"

On the onset, I was just trying to be polite and engaging in the flow of conversation, and I did not quite expect the sincerity of the answers I have received from these fabulous ladies I have come to grow a certain fondness with during my first quarter in placement.

In brief;

1. it is the little things that you do that will matter the most;

2. you cannot change the world;

3. be more patient;

4. do not beat yourself up in whatever you do;

5. whatever happens, just try to enjoy;

6. we all have different experiences, do not compare.

I looked at each one of them as they said their pieces, and tried to read the body language. I almost heard someone choked in her own words trying not to release the real emotion inside, and I thought someone else' eyes were watery as she calmly spoke her mind and heart. Another one was actually thinking out loud for herself, clearly, undecided in her heart of hearts about her going home early next year that she's been very vocal about, because perhaps she knew though she tries to hide it that her time here is not up yet.

I believe I understand it somehow now what makes a volunteer's journey a truly successful story.

It is about the relationships I build, the support I get and the fun I have while I do it, as I do it, while I am here.

We left the hut to get some more drinks and continued the meaningful conversations and laughter at the roof deck of this place called "Z" and just like that, we got to know each other better and we have shared more than just India.

To Lucy Madam, may you have the most meaningful and fun love life when you get home. Embrace more life's meaning in the simplest of things. Your strength and passion as a YFD are most admirable. Keep up the good work and spread the love always.

To Louise and Jennisa, Puri awaits for yet another meaningful moonlit night of good conversation and good company. When the time comes, the hardest goodbyes will be for the two of you.

To An, you have the strongest personality I have met here and despite the constant debacle of beliefs, you are fun to be with.

To Jen, who we missed last night but couldn't come, you know that I am not the touchy feely kind of person, but on December 5th I will give you a bear hug :-) For the warmest welcome to my placement I owe you by paying it forward. Needless to say that you will be missed. The afternoon tea and the best omelets I have ever tasted!

Good luck on your next journey! and Thank you most kindly.

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